Java Software Engineer. I love cats, rock music, programming, eat, videogames, guitar and piano, teach and learn.
Notes from "The pragmatic programmer" Software entropy. When disorder increases in software, we call it "software rot" or "technical debt", with the...
Notes from "The pragmatic programmer" · It's Your Life. "I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to...
Chapter 6 | Creating a codepipeline for your code · Before you start For this tutorial we are going to use the next file called buildspec.yml, check that...
Chapter 5 | Adding a load balancer to your ECS service · Let's get up to date Almost one year after my last post... nothing else to say about that, haha,...
Chapter 4 | Deploying Docker image from AWS ECR to AWS ECS · Before you start reading, you have to know that this tutorial series is designed to be the...
Chapter 3 | Pushing Docker image into AWS ECR · Before you start reading, you have to know that this tutorial series is designed to be the most simpliest...